Have you ever thought about how much you would save if you did not have to pay any interest in purchases or any annual fee in the credit card? Well, that actually can happen now. Let’s meet the CommBank Neo Card.
This is going to be the credit card that we are going to talk about today, and that is right. No interest, no annual fees, not even a late fee. You’re going to have practically benefits for free. It’s just amazing. So if you are interested in learning more, keep reading.
Discover the best credit cards across Australia
Why we recommend the CommBank Neo Card
One of the main things that people will actually ask when applying for a credit card is why should you apply for it? There is such an important question because if the person that is recommending you the credit card cannot answer it, then it is not the right person to talk about it.
Even worse, it could even be a scam and the credit cards that is not worth it. That is why we are here, just to establish our relationship with the CommBank Neo Card. Now we believe that this credit card is really worth it and that is literally just because of the main benefits of the card.
As you may have known, this credit card has kind of a slogan. It’s not really a slogan, but it has something that distinguishes it from others, and that is that it has no interest or annual fee. That is actually a huge benefit that most cards have, and unfortunately have too much. So this one having none of it, it’s pretty nice.
What can I use the credit card for?
Why would you be able to use this credit card, and where would you be able to do it now? It’s actually pretty simple. You see, this credit card is actually pretty good because the main benefit that we can see that it has already tells us something about the main use of the card.
And the main news that people are actually going to enjoy is going to be part of these purchases are going to make the card yours and completely yours. They are essentially the reason you are going to be able to use, and it has a lot of reasons why that is.
First of all, the credit card does not have a single interest fee or late fees, which is actually an. Beneficial thing. And then when you take a look at the credit limit, you’ll have actually three different ones that you can actually choose. So it is pretty good.
Don’t miss the chance to get this credit card, which is one of the best out there!
Credit card advantages
So many good things come from this credit card. You see, the benefits of a card are always what you’re going to try and learn more first because it’s just what’s going to attract you. And if you are not essentially attracted to a credit card, why would you apply for it or even learn more about it? Let’s take a look at the benefits of this one.
- No interest, no late fees
- A choice of three credit limits; $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000
- Simple monthly fee of $15, $20 or $25, depending on your limit. If you don’t use your card and pay your total balance owing in full, you won’t be charged the monthly fee
- No foreign exchange or additional cardholder fees
- Cashback benefits for eligible cardholders
Credit card disadvantages
It’s actually important that you know that these advantages that the credit card has because knowing them is going to help you a lot. Down below, we are going to bring you all the disadvantages that you are going to find in this credit card.
- You won’t earn Awards points
- International travel insurance isn’t included
- Cash advances are blocked (exceptions apply)
- Not eligible for SurePay plans or Wealth Package benefits
- Low credit limits
How is credit analysis carried out in the CommBank Neo Card
Now we should take a look at the credit analysis. You see, the credit analysis is such an important part of the credit card because it is that that is going to make you actually understand how much you get from fees and all.
How does it start? It will start when you first apply for the card. You’re going to send an application with all the documents necessary for the application purpose, which is going to actually give the company some documents so they can get access to your credit history. After that, they are going to analyze everything, and then I’m going to give you a credit score.
Is there a maximum and minimum credit card limit?
Now, something that’s really curious about this credit card is the credit limit. You might be thinking, how does it really work? It’s actually very simple. The credit limit works like this. You have three options $1000, $2000 and $3000.
But you can just choose and get what you want, if you want the $1000 limit you’ll have to pay $15.00 a month. For the second one you’ll have to pay $20 and for $3000 limits you’re going to pay $25.
Do you want to request? Learn how to get the CommBank Neo Card right here
Finally, it’s time to apply for the credit card. We know, we have been through so much. We talked about the benefits, what you need to do in order to actually make the application easier. But how do you actually apply for the credit card? That’s actually a question that you might have. And if you do have it, don’t worry, we can help you.
If you click down below, you will be able to be redirected immediately to the second part of this article, where we are going to talk more about how you can actually apply for the credit card and what you need to do in order to do so without any problem.